Happiness is …

IMG_3282Quite a while ago I came across the idea for a Happiness Jar. I first heard about it when Elizabeth Gilbert (of Eat, Pray, Love fame) did a post about her Happiness Jar (link here). The idea is to write down moments in your life throughout the year that make you happy and place them in a jar (or box or container of your choice) and on New Years Eve (or a date you choose) you pull the notes out randomly and relive the happy moments from your year. Some people do it for big events and others daily – I’ve given myself the challenge of going with daily because no matter how bad a day gets I still believe there is something to be thankful or happy for. And on those days where it’s really hard to come up with something joyful from that day, I’m going to give myself permission to dip my hand into the jar and pull out a few notes to bring a smile to my face again.

My family decided to do this as a joint project so our Happiness Jar proudly sits in the middle of our dining table with a pen and post-it notes beside it, ready to be filled when the desire arises. We’re only six days into the year and I’m already thinking we may need to get a bigger jar! And that makes me happy (better go write that down and put it in the jar)!

2014 ARRA finalistI’d already filled in my note for the day but have had to add an extra one because a lovely surprise came along and I think it is definitely a two note worthy day. I discovered I’ve been nominated in three categories for the Australian Romance Readers Awards – voted by ARRA members. I’ve been nominated for:

* Favourite Contemporary Romance

* Favourite Cover

* Favourite New Romance Author

Being nominated for such prestigious awards makes me VERY happy and I am grateful for the people who have nominated me. Below is the link through to the nominees and I would love you to go and check out the authors nominated in the genres you’re interested in – you might discover a really fab new-to-you author! Here’s the link – click here.

I hope 2015 brings you everything you wish for and more. And I certainly hope if you choose to create your own Happiness Jar that it is overflows!